[Haskell-cafe] Re: Should I step into a minefield? / Writing a
trading studio in Haskell
apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Thu Nov 8 08:24:54 EST 2007
Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
> Joel Reymont:
>> I need to pick among the usual list of suspects for a commercial
>> product that I'm writing. The suspects are OCaml, Haskell and Lisp and
>> the product is a trading studio. My idea is to write something like
>> TradeStation [1] or NinjaTrader, only for the Mac.
>> It would be quite nifty to use SPJ's financial combinator approach
>> and, for example, embed Yi (Haskell editor).
>> One of the key features of the product would be the ability to model
>> your trading logic using a trading DSL. I'm thinking that this DSL
>> could well be Haskell but I'm concerned about stepping into a minefield.
>> [...]
>> I just can't see how laziness can help in processing real-time price data.
> Laziness, in particular, and Haskell, in
> general, is going to help you with the EDSL (it's no coincidence that
> most EDSL work was done in Haskell).
Yes, you definitively want a host language with non-strict semantics for
EDSLs. For instance, custom control structures like
if' p a b = if p then a else b
when p m = if p then m else return ()
loose lots of their usefulness in a strict language. Same for parser
combinators, since you can't even define
many :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
many p = empty ||| (liftM2 (:) p (many p))
(Sooner or later, you probably want observable sharing for such
recursive values, but that's another story.)
In any case, the problem of choosing a host language and achieving good
user experience is probably negligible compared to the difficulty of
designing a powerful trading DSL in the first place :)
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