[Haskell-cafe] Screen scraping with an interactive process: Buffering problems?

David Benbennick dbenbenn at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 16:44:31 EST 2007

On Nov 7, 2007 5:12 AM, Denis Bueno <dbueno at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ironically, this was my first problem.  First of all, I don't think I
> want the semi-closed state -- I want to be able to read and write
> freely later on (I may be misunderstanding semi-closed, however).

I don't think that makes sense.  First of all, pout is only the stdout
of the program, so you can only read from it, not write to it.  And
once you do hGetContents, you have read all the data that will ever
exist on that handle, so there's nothing to read from it "later on".

> Second, when I used this approach, after the hGetContents call I did
> the regexp matching, and the program hung during matching.

That's not surprising.  You first match for "Proof succeeded".  So if
the proof failed, the matcher will go past the "attempt has failed"
message, looking for a later succeeded.  Which means it will block
waiting for more output from your subprocess, which will never produce
more output until you give it another request.

Assuming that each call to ACL2 produces exactly one of either "Proof
succeeded" or "attempt has failed", you can get a list of results like
this (where aclOutput :: String is the result of hGetContents):

let results = map (\l -> if l == "Proof succeeded" then True else
False) $ filter (\l -> elem l ["Proof succeeded", "attempt has
failed"]) $ lines aclOutput

Then results :: [Bool], and results !! n is True if the nth call
succeeded.  Just make sure not to inspect results !! n until after
making the nth call to ACL2, or it will block.

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