[Haskell-cafe] Doubly-linked zipper list w/ insert implementation
Justin Bailey
jgbailey at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 10:52:28 EST 2007
The other day I decided to implement a ring buffer with a current
element (i.e. a doubly-linked zipper list). In order to allow inserts
(and, in the future, deletes and updates), I have a special sentinel
element called "Join" in the structure. When inserting, I find the
join first, insert and then rebuild the buffer using circular
programming techniques. This also allows the buffer to be converted
back to a list. The current element can be changed by rotating right
or left, which never fails. Rotating n positions takes n steps.
I'm posting it here for comments and feedback. How could the structure
be smarter? Would storing a unique ID with each element make more
sense? Any comments on the space behavior under insert and rotates? I
wanted to "maximize" sharing. Thanks in advance.
p.s. The original motivation for writing this was to model cellular
automata. The CA world is "circular", so that got me thinking about a
structure that made connecting the ends easy to do.
-- cut here ---
module Ring (Ring, create, insert, current, rotR, rotL, toListL, toListR)
-- Thanks to Keith Wansbrough for his posting describing a doubly-linked list
-- in Haskell for inspiration here.
-- http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.functional/msg/8c65fdd16f7e91e1
import Data.List (foldl')
-- For testing
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Monad (replicateM_)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
data Ring a = Ring (Ring a) a (Ring a) | Join (Ring a) (Ring a)
instance (Show a) => Show (Ring a) where
show r = "{" ++ show' (findLeftOfJoin r)
show' (Join _ _) = "}"
show' (Ring l v _)
| isJoin l = show v ++ show' l
| otherwise = show v ++ "," ++ show' l
create v =
let me = Ring join v join
join = Join me me
in me
insert r a =
let (left, right) = insert' left right start a
start = findLeftOfJoin r
in left
insert' left right (Join _ _) val =
let last = Ring join val right
join = Join left last
in (last, join)
insert' left right (Ring l v _) val =
let this = Ring newL val right
(newL, newR) = insert' left this l v
in (this, newR)
fromList [] = error "Can't create empty ring"
fromList ls =
let (left, right) = fromList' left right ls
in left
-- compute this ring, given left and right pointers. Return
-- left and right pointers for this segment
fromList' left right [] =
let join = Join left right
in (join, right)
fromList' left right (x:xs) =
let this = Ring l x right
(l, r) = fromList' left this xs
in (this, r)
toList = toListL
-- View of list from left hand side
toListL = toList' . findLeftOfJoin
toList' (Join _ _) = []
toList' (Ring l v _) = v : toList' l
toListR = toList' . findRightOfJoin
toList' (Join _ _) = []
toList' (Ring _ v r) = v : toList' r
current (Ring r v l) = v
current _ = error "Join is never current (curr)"
rotR r amt
| amt > 0 = goRight r amt
| amt < 0 = goLeft r (negate amt)
| otherwise = r
rotL r amt
| amt > 0 = goLeft r amt
| amt < 0 = goRight r (negate amt)
| otherwise = r
goRight r 0 = r
goRight (Ring _ _ r@(Ring _ _ _)) amt = goRight r (amt - 1)
goRight (Ring _ _ (Join _ r)) amt = goRight r (amt - 1)
goRight (Join _ _) _ = error "Join is never current (goRight)"
goLeft r 0 = r
goLeft (Ring l@(Ring _ _ _) _ _) amt = goLeft l (amt - 1)
goLeft (Ring (Join l _) _ _) amt = goLeft l (amt - 1)
goLeft (Join _ _) _ = error "Join is never current (goLeft)"
isRing (Ring _ _ _) = True
isRing _ = False
isJoin (Join _ _) = True
isJoin _ = False
findLeftOfJoin (Join l _) = l
findLeftOfJoin (Ring l _ _) = findLeftOfJoin l
findRightOfJoin (Join _ r) = r
findRightOfJoin (Ring _ _ r) = findRightOfJoin r
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