[Haskell-cafe] WideFinder

manu emmanuel.delaborde at citycampus.com
Wed Nov 7 08:36:43 EST 2007

Haskell is conspicuously absent from the languages used to tackle Tim  
Bray's Wide Finder problem (http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/ 
So far we have Ocaml, Erlang, Python, Ruby, etc...

Bryan quickly wrote a program on his blog (http://www.serpentine.com/ 
blog/2007/09/25/what-the-heck-is-a-wide-finder-anyway/) that would  
place Haskell right in the second position.

JoCaml is the fastest so far (http://eigenclass.org/hiki.rb?fast- 

Can Haskell do better ? Care to take a shot ?


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