[Haskell-cafe] Re: equations and patterns

oleg at pobox.com oleg at pobox.com
Thu May 31 05:38:20 EDT 2007

mingli yuan wrote:
> Seems mathematic axioms and pattern matching are different things.
> So how could I rewrite the equations to pattern matching? Which technique
> should I learn?

Haskell is more suitable for re-writing systems, which are based
on oriented equations. The question of orientation is well-described,
for example, in the book

	Term Rewriting and All That 
	by Franz Baader, Tobias Nipkow

I should also point out Clean, where equations like associativity can
be stated -- and even proven by Clean's built-in proof assistant.

But something can be done in Haskell too. It is quite a general
technique: free term algebra. It is explained in two excellent papers,

John Hughes: The Design of a Pretty-printing Library


Ralf Hinze: Deriving Backtracking Monad Transformers (ICFP2000)

The following Haskell98 code demonstrates the technique for your
problem. Well, actually we take quite a similar problem: instead of
lattices, we take rings -- or, to be precise, Num. They have two
operations (+) and (*) which are too (usually taken to be)
associative. This property is not stated in the Num class. Rather, it
is described informally in comments. But we can deal with that property
formally and directly.

We introduce a free term algebra as follows

> data FN = N Int | Add FN FN | Mul FN FN
> 	  deriving (Eq,Show)

and define an embedding of it in Haskell:

> instance Num FN where
>     fromInteger = N . fromInteger
>     (+) = Add
>     (*) = Mul

So, we can write

> test1 :: FN
> test1  = (1 + 2) * 3 * 4 + 5

and see the result
	Add (Mul (Mul (Add (N 1) (N 2)) (N 3)) (N 4)) (N 5)

Well, this doesn't actually do anything. It is a free term algebra
after all. We need to give it a meaning, that is, define an
observation function, or an interpreter

> -- Interpreter (the observation function): big-step semantics
> interp :: FN -> Int
> interp (N x) = x
> interp (Add x y) = interp x + interp y
> interp (Mul x y) = interp x * interp y

Now, evaluating "interp test1" gives 41.

One may question the wisdom of this round-about way of adding and
multiplying integers. Indeed, first we `compile' an arithmetic
expression to the `byte-code'. Next, we wrote a byte-code interpreter,
'interp'. The benefit is that we can insert a `byte-code optimizer'
before the interpretation. And here we may associate to the right

> mul_right :: FN -> Maybe FN
> mul_right (Mul (Mul a b) c) = Just (Mul a (Mul b c))
> mul_right x = congruence mul_right x

> test3 = closure mul_right test1

  *FreeNum> test3
  Add (Mul (Add (N 1) (N 2)) (Mul (N 3) (N 4))) (N 5)

or to the left, distribute multiplication over addition

> mul_add_distr (Mul a (Add b c)) = Just (Add (Mul a b) (Mul a c))
> mul_add_distr (Mul (Add b c) a) = Just (Add (Mul b a) (Mul c a))
> mul_add_distr x = congruence mul_add_distr x

> test4 = closure mul_add_distr test1
  *FreeNum> test4
  Add (Add (Mul (Mul (N 1) (N 3)) (N 4)) (Mul (Mul (N 2) (N 3)) (N 4))) (N 5)

or combine arbitrary number of steps

> test5 = closure (compose mul_add_distr mul_right) test1

 *FreeNum> test5
 Add (Add (Mul (N 1) (Mul (N 3) (N 4))) (Mul (N 2) (Mul (N 3) (N 4)))) (N 5)

Here's the complete code

-- Haskell98!

-- Free Term algebra for Nums

module FreeNum where

-- we'll use Ints as the base for simplicity
data FN = N Int | Add FN FN | Mul FN FN
	  deriving (Eq,Show)

instance Num FN where
    fromInteger = N . fromInteger
    (+) = Add
    (*) = Mul

test1 :: FN
test1  = (1 + 2) * 3 * 4 + 5

-- Interpreter (the observation function): big-step semantics
interp :: FN -> Int
interp (N x) = x
interp (Add x y) = interp x + interp y
interp (Mul x y) = interp x * interp y

test2 = interp test1

-- optimizer

-- the driver: it applies an optimization step. If it succeeded, it applies
-- again. Otherwise, we are finished.
-- In other words, compute the transitive closure of the optimization step

closure step term = maybe term (closure step) (step term)

congruence step (N _) = Nothing
congruence step (Add x y) = choose Add (x,step x) (y,step y)
congruence step (Mul x y) = choose Mul (x,step x) (y,step y)

-- Here's the benefit of laziness: we don't actually do step y 
-- if step x succeeded
choose fn (_,Just x) (y,_)        = Just $ fn x y
choose fn (x,Nothing) (_,Just y)  = Just $ fn x y
choose fn (_,Nothing) (_,Nothing) = Nothing

-- One step: associate Mul to the right
-- (a `Mul` b) `Mul` c  ==> a `Mul` (b `Mul` c)
-- or: (Mul (Mul a b) c) ==> (Mul a (Mul b c))

mul_right :: FN -> Maybe FN
mul_right (Mul (Mul a b) c) = Just (Mul a (Mul b c))
mul_right x = congruence mul_right x

-- do the opposite
mul_left :: FN -> Maybe FN
mul_left (Mul a (Mul b c)) = Just (Mul (Mul a b) c)
mul_left x = congruence mul_left x

test3 = closure mul_right test1

-- Let us distribute multiplication over addition
--  a * (b+c) => a*b + a*c
-- (b+c) * a  => b*a + c*a
mul_add_distr (Mul a (Add b c)) = Just (Add (Mul a b) (Mul a c))
mul_add_distr (Mul (Add b c) a) = Just (Add (Mul b a) (Mul c a))
mul_add_distr x = congruence mul_add_distr x

test4 = closure mul_add_distr test1

-- combine steps (it is mplus)

compose step1 step2 x = maybe (step2 x) Just (step1 x)

test5 = closure (compose mul_add_distr mul_right) test1

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