[Haskell-cafe] What puts False before True?

PR Stanley prstanley at ntlworld.com
Thu May 31 05:03:05 EDT 2007

> > What is the basic philosophy for Bool being a member of Ord?
>you can do sth like
>Data.Set.fromList [minBound .. maxBound] :: Data.Set.Set Bool
>Sorry, not quite sure what you mean.
> > What justifies False < True?
>in most interpretations this equals:
>False == 0
>True == 1
>Indeed, it's the same in C but what justifies the decision in Haskell?

>and == (*)
>or == max
>not == (1 -)
>a `xor` b == (a + b) `mod` 2
>and not this:
>False == 1
>True == 0
>and == max
>or == (*)
>not == (1 -)
>a `xor` b == (a + b) `mod` 2

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