[Haskell-cafe] Coding Standards (Coding Conventions)

Jason Dagit dagit at codersbase.com
Tue May 29 21:28:45 EDT 2007

On 5/28/07, Donald Bruce Stewart <dons at cse.unsw.edu.au> wrote:
> conrad:
> > On 28/05/07, Donald Bruce Stewart <dons at cse.unsw.edu.au> wrote:
> > >Our small little window manager, xmonad, also has a pretty strict style
> > >guide.
> >
> > where? Perhaps I need coffee, but I couldn't find this in the source
> > (xmonad, x11-extras, XMonadContrib) or documentation links from
> > xmonad.org :-/
> Oh, sorry, it doesn't have a written style guide, just some conventions
> we should write down. I was unclear.

The same appears to be true with darcs.  For example, one that is not
enforced but seems to be known to some of the developers is that
functions internal to a module use an underscore to separate words and
functions which are exported use camel case.

An example of one that is strictly enforced in darcs is the use of
tabs.  There is a script that runs on every record that checks if the
user put in tabs and aborts the patch recording if there are tabs in
the source.

It could be an interesting project to go through the code submitted to
hackage and extract different styles.  Especially interesting would be
to correlate these styles with different factors such as average time
to learn the code base, defect density and so on.


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