[Haskell-cafe] More on the random idea

Andrew Coppin andrewcoppin at btinternet.com
Mon May 28 08:21:16 EDT 2007

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
> On May 28, 2007, at 5:49 , Andrew Coppin wrote:
>> not a big goal (although I don't suppose you go out of your way to 
>> make it *hard*). GHC is designed to be good at being GHC, rather than 
>> good at being a collection of flexible, reusable Haskell processing 
>> libraries.
> Enh.  That's no reason not to *try* to be.

I agree. I'm just pointing out that these are somewhat comflicting 
goals, and currently (it seems to me) GHC is more focused on being GHC. 
(Which is not something I'm going to complain about too loudly. ;-)

>> I didn't see any way to access facilities other than 
>> compilation/evaluation. (E.g., what type does this have, or please 
>> desugar this.) But then, I didn't look very hard.
> You might want to look at Shim (http://shim.haskellco.de/trac/) --- it 
> uses GHC-API to do things like asking for the type of arbitrary 
> variables or expressions.

I'll take a look...

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