[Haskell-cafe] More on the random idea

Andrew Coppin andrewcoppin at btinternet.com
Sat May 26 15:14:00 EDT 2007

Rodrigo Queiro wrote:
>     As far as I know, hs-plugins works by taking an expression, writing it
>     to a file, calling GHC to parse it, transform it to Core, optimise
>     it,
>     transform it to STG, optimise it, transform it to C--, optimise it,
>     transform it to ANSI C, optimise it, pass it to GCC, compile it, link
>     it, and *then* using the GHC runtime linker to load the generated
>     object
>     code into memory, type-check it, and, finally, execute it.
> Don't forget the Evil Mangler, which optimises the compiled assembly!

OMG, how could I forget the Evil Mangler!! :-0 It has such an awesom 
name! ;-) If I ever get to write a production system, I am *totally* 
going to have an Evil Mangler module in there somewhere! :-D

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