[Haskell-cafe] Re: CYK-style parsing and laziness

apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Sat May 26 04:57:45 EDT 2007

Steffen Mazanek wrote:
> apfelmus wrote
>> The key point of the dynamic programming algorithm is indeed to memoize
>> the results gs i j for all pairs of i and j. In other words, the insight
>> that yields a fast algorithm is that for solving the subproblems gs i j
>> (of which there are n^2), solution to smaller subproblems of the same
>> form are sufficient. Tabulation is a must.
> I underst and this, however I thought it would be possible to use the
> automatic collapsing of the termgraphs in some way.

Well, some things have to be left to the programmer :), especially the
choice of trading space for time.

Note that there are very systematic and natural ways to derive dynamic
programming algorithms in functional languages. In a sense, much of the
work of R. Bird centers this topic. The book "Algebra of Programming"


is one of the cornerstones.

The systematic derivation of dynamic programming algorithms has been
rediscovered in a more direct but less general fashion


> Of course, you can still choose how to represent the table. There's a
>> nice higher order way to do that
>>   tabulate :: (Int -> Int -> a) -> (Int -> Int -> a)
>>   gs = tabulate gs'
>>      where
>>      gs' 1 j = ... uses  gs x y  for some  x y ...
>>      gs' i j = ... ditto ...
> Thank you for this explanation. Your approach is not very concise either
> but it does not pollute the algorithm so much.

Oh? It's concise enough for me :) The nice thing about an explicit
'tabulate' is that you can separate the table and the entry calculations

> That would be strange. I mean, no gs i j may have more than two
>> elements, namely S or A. The other key point of the CYK algorithm is
>> that the sets gs i j are indeed sets and may only contain as many
>> elements as there are nonterminals.
> ....  You are right, of course. I have tried a nub before the list
> comprehension however this is evaluated too late.

Yes, the nub has to eliminate storing a nonterminal "for every k". But
this can be done in advance by noting that we're only interested in
whether there exists at least one k

  [nt | ..., not $ null [k | k<-[1..i-1],
                             a `elem` gs k j,
                             b `elem` gs (i-k) (j+k)]]

and don't want to emit a nonterminal for which k

  [nt | ..., k <- [1..i-1],
             a `elem` gs k j,
             b `elem` gs (i-k) (j+k)]

> I should really use sets, however, I would miss the list comprehension
> syntactic sugar sooo much. Is there something similar for real Data.Set?

Not that I knew of, but you can always use

  fromList [nt | ...]

Note that the Data.Set can be thought of as being part of the
tabulation. In effect, you really deal with a 3-dimensional truth table

  gs i j nt = substring starting at j of length i can be derived
              by nonterminal nt

Here's an implementation of the tabulation with Data.Set

  tabulate :: (Int -> Int -> NT -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int -> NT -> Bool)
  tabulate gs' = \i j nt -> nt `member` table ! (i,j)
     table = array bnds [(ij, mkSet $ gs' i j) | ij@(i,j) <- range bnds]
     mkSet chi = fromList [nt | nt <- nts, chi nt]

And here's the memoized function

  gs = tabulate gs'
     gs' 1 j nt = any [True | Left t <- productions nt,
                                  w !! (j-1) == t]
     gs' i j nt = any [True | Right (a,b) <- productions nt,
                                  gs k     j     a,
                                  gs (i-k) (j+k) b]

It assumes a function (dependent on the grammer at hand)

   productions :: NT -> [Either T (NT, NT)]

that returns the terminal and nonterminal productions for a given


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