[Haskell-cafe] instance Monad AppF - Faster than the list monad?

Robin Green greenrd at greenrd.org
Fri May 25 22:52:18 EDT 2007

The following Haskell 98 module implements a generalisation of
Prelude.ShowS for any type. Should be pretty easy to incorporate this
into code which currently uses the list monad non-trivially, and get
better performance - but can this be right? Surely someone would have
published this before if that was true? I haven't actually done any
performance tests. Anyway, with this module you end up using function
composition instead of list concatenation - except when converting from
a list.

module Data.List.AppF where

import Control.Monad (MonadPlus (mplus, mzero), msum)

-- Generalisation of ShowS
newtype AppF a = AppF { unAppF :: [a] -> [a] }

instance Monad AppF where
    (>>=) = (msum .) . flip map . appFToList
    return = AppF . (:)

instance MonadPlus AppF where
    mzero = AppF id
    mplus x y = AppF $ unAppF x . unAppF y

-- Use this to convert Maybe a into AppF a, or indeed any other
-- MonadPlus instance.
maybeToMonadPlus :: MonadPlus m => Maybe a -> m a
maybeToMonadPlus = maybe mzero return

listToAppF :: [a] -> AppF a
listToAppF = AppF . (++)

appFToList :: AppF a -> [a]
appFToList = ($ []) . unAppF

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