[Haskell-cafe] Shared libraries in GHC

Georg Sauthoff g_sauthoff at web.de
Fri May 25 08:31:26 EDT 2007


while searching, if ghc can create packages as shared libraries I found
a ticket with a kind of non-accepted status:

But at the google SoC page it looks like an accepted project:

Well what is the status of the project? Does the student have a
blog/webpage where one can track the progress of the project?

Btw, the problem I want to solve with shared libraries is the case,
where I want to program 2 frontends (==2 executables), which share a lot
of Haskell-Code. I am afraid, if both frontends are linked statically,
the result will look a bit 'bloated' ...

Best regards
Georg Sauthoff

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