[Haskell-cafe] (no subject)

L.Guo leaveye.guo at gmail.com
Thu May 24 03:24:29 EDT 2007

Sorry for not familiar to the email client.

My system is WinXP, and using GHC 6.6.
And is read from file.
Data is truncated at the ^Z char.

I just wrote one simple test code.

> import IO
> writeTest fn = do
>   h <- openFile fn WriteMode
>   mapM_ (\p -> hPutChar h (toEnum p::Char)) $ [0..255] ++ [0..255]
>   hClose h
> accessTest fn = do
>   h <- openFile fn ReadMode
>   s <- hGetContents h
>   putStrLn . show . map fromEnum $ s
>   hClose h
> main = do
>   writeTest "ttt"
>   accessTest "ttt"

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