[Haskell-cafe] Scope of type variables in associated types

Matthew Sackman matthew at wellquite.org
Tue May 22 06:14:06 EDT 2007

"Matthew Brecknell" <haskell at brecknell.org> wrote:
> Bertram Felgenhauer:
> > How does
> > 
> >   class F a where
> >       data B a :: *
> >       data E a :: *
> >       wrap :: B a -> E a
> >       unwrap :: E a -> B a
> > 
> For any given call to "wrap" or "unwrap", how is the compiler supposed
> to determine which instance to use, given that "a" cannot be uniquely
> determined from the type of the function?

If it can't be uniquely determined then it blows up, as always. As far
as my understanding of type classes goes, for any call to a function in
a type class, the compiler must be able to determine a single instance
to call. So if all we know is that we have a "B a" then all we can do is
hope there's an instance "F a".

> The same question also applies
> to Matthew's original formulation using functional dependencies:
> > class G a b | a -> b where
> >     data E a :: *
> >     wrap :: b -> E a
> >     unwrap :: E a -> b

Well here you certainly have less information, but you can still
determine the instance - in both wrap and unwrap you have an "E a" which
means the compiler will be able to work out some constraints on "a".
There's also a "b" so it can also check that the fundep is respected, or
incorporate the extra information into its decision making process.

Note that both the above do type check and compile, and I have working
instances of the latter:

class CellBuilder c t n | c -> t n where
    data Cell c :: *
    makeCell :: t -> (MVar (Cell n)) -> Cell c
    unpackCell :: Cell c -> (t, (MVar (Cell n)))

instance CellBuilder (Cons t n) t n where
    data Cell (Cons t n) = CellCons t (MVar (Cell n))
    makeCell v mvar = CellCons v mvar
    unpackCell (CellCons v mvar) = (v, mvar)

Matthew Sackman

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