[Haskell-cafe] List algorithm
Steffen Mazanek
haskell at steffen-mazanek.de
Tue May 22 04:22:08 EDT 2007
Thank you for your responses.
My algorithm that needs the described function performs
so horribily bad that I understand now the need for CNF :-)
The idea was to write a CYK-style parser for an arbitrary
context-free grammar without transformation to CNF.
To compute derivations for a span of length i
I wanted to iterate over all productions p, counting
the number n of Nonterminals at the right-hand side of p,
computing all lists with n numbers whose sum is i and
split the span accordingly. It works, however, the strings
have to be very, very short *g*
Ciao and Thx,
2007/5/22, Jules Bean <jules at jellybean.co.uk>:
> Matthew Brecknell wrote:
> > This seems to work, but presumably only because it's a boxed array, and
> > the construction makes no circular references.
> Yes, AIUI the boxed arrays are strict in indices but lazy in values.
> Therefore they can be used for this kind of memoization trick as long as
> you're access the elements in 'some sensible order' (that is the
> calculation dependencies are well-ordered).
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Dipl.-Inform. Steffen Mazanek
Institut für Softwaretechnologie
Fakultät Informatik
Universität der Bundeswehr München
85577 Neubiberg
Tel: +49 (0)89 6004-2505
Fax: +49 (0)89 6004-4447
E-Mail: steffen.mazanek at unibw.de
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