[Haskell-cafe] global variables

Arthur van Leeuwen arthurvl at cs.uu.nl
Mon May 21 04:05:23 EDT 2007

On 21-mei-2007, at 9:31, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

> | I see no need two answer this again I believe I have already made my
> | views perfectly clear already and provided ample evidence to justify
> | them. Surely I don't need to do it again?
> Is there a Wiki page about this somewhere?  Often email gets into a  
> loop because not everyone reads everything on Haskell Cafe.  
> (There's just too much of it.)  When that happens, a good thing do  
> to is to summarise the various positions on a Wiki page, so the  
> debate can progress by refining text rather than by repeating it.   
> There is the additional advantage that someone coming along later  
> can still make sense of the debate.

As I am sure Adrian would tell you were he awake:


With regards, Arthur van Leeuwen


   /\    / |       arthurvl at cs.uu.nl       | Work like you don't need  
the money
/__\  /  | A friend is someone with whom | Love like you have never  
been hurt
/    \/__ | you can dare to be yourself   | Dance like there's nobody  

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