[Haskell-cafe] Accepted by Hugs, not by GHC
Hans van Thiel
hthiel.char at zonnet.nl
Sat May 19 10:30:56 EDT 2007
Hello All,
Defining a partially ordered set as:
data Porder = HI | LW | NT deriving (Eq)
class (Eq a) => Poset a where
pcompare :: a -> a -> Porder
and defining an instance for type synonym RuRe:
type RuRe = ([Int],[Int])
instance Poset RuRe where
pcompare (x1,y1) (x2,y2)
| isSub x2 x1 = HI
| isSub x1 x2 = LW
| otherwise = NT
causes no problems in Hugs (-98 flag) but compiling with GHC produces:
[hvt at localhost Sandbox]$ ghc --make Main.hs -O
[5 of 6] Compiling Abduce ( Abduce.hs, Abduce.o )
Illegal instance declaration for `Poset RuRe'
(The instance type must be of form (T a b c)
where T is not a synonym, and a,b,c are distinct type
In the instance declaration for `Poset RuRe'
I've tried several changes, like not using the type synonym, but can't
get it right. (I'm using the ghc 6.6.1 Fedora Core 6 package).
Many thanks in advance!
Hans van Thiel
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