[Haskell-cafe] where do I point the type annotations
Brandon Michael Moore
brandon at heave.ugcs.caltech.edu
Fri May 18 19:08:21 EDT 2007
On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 02:39:48AM -0400, Alex Jacobson wrote:
> I am playing with using SYB to make generic indexed collections. The
> current code is this:
> data Syb = Syb [Dynamic] -- list of [Map val (Set a)]
> empty item = Syb $ gmapQ (toDyn . emp item) item
> where
> emp::x->y->Map.Map y (Set.Set x)
> emp x y = Map.empty
> insert x (Syb indices) = Syb $ zipWith f indices (gmapQ toDyn x)
> where
> f dynIndex dynAttr = toDyn $ Map.insert attr
> (maybe (Set.singleton x) (Set.insert x) $
> Map.lookup attr index) index
> where
> index = fromJust $ fromDynamic dynIndex
> attr = fromJust $ fromDynamic dynAttr
> e = empty i where i=i::Test
> t1 = Test "foo" 2
> c1 = insert t1 e
The problem is that Dynamic just remembers that whatever type of value it holds,
that type is Typeable. In particular it doesn't try to keep track of whether
there is an Ord. If you are polymorphically processing the contents of
a Dynamic you can't assume much - Dynamic could have been defined
data Dynamic = forall t . (Typeable t) => Dynamic t
You can make something like your code using a more informative existential:
> data Ix a = forall key . (Typeable key, Ord key) => Ix (Map key (Set a))
(I'm adding the parameter a because it looks like your code would just
explode if you tried to add values of several different types to a Syb).
> data Syb a = Syb [Ix a]
> insertIndex k v index =
> Map.insertWith Set.union k (Set.singleton v) index
insert indexes the argument by the subterms the index actually cares about.
> insert :: (Data a, Ord a) => a -> Syb a -> Syb a
> insert x (Syb indices) = Syb $ update indices (gmapQ toDyn x)
> where
> update [] _ = []
> update (Ix index:is) dyns =
> let (d: dyns') = dropWhile (\d -> dynTypeRep d /= keyType) dyns
> key = fromJust $ fromDynamic d
> keyType = typeOf ((undefined :: Map key (Set a) -> key) index)
> in (Ix (insertIndex key x index): update is dyns')
> data Test = Test String Int
> deriving (Data,Typeable,Eq,Ord)
Unfortunately, you can't automatically build an empty index.
gmapQ toDyn is great for getting subterms, but not checking
if they are Ord.
> e = Syb [Ix (Map.empty :: Map String (Set Test)),
Ix (Map.empty :: Map Int (Set Test))]
At least the test works.
> t1 = Test "foo" 2
> c1 = insert t1 e
If it's enough to support types where every subterm is Ord, you could probably
automte building the empty index with the strategy from
"Scrap Your Boilerplate with Class"
The existential definition of Dynamic suggests there could be
withDynamic :: (forall t . (Typeable t) => t -> a) -> Dynamic -> a
it takes an awful lot of black magic to define it for GHC, though.
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