[Haskell-cafe] Quick Sort Algorithm

PR Stanley prstanley at ntlworld.com
Thu May 17 16:58:39 EDT 2007

Well, actually, this was scanned from a book but the OCR process 
wasn't 100% effective. So, I was hoping the list would easily 
identify and replace the erronious characters.
Thanks for trying, anyway.
At 20:46 17/05/2007, you wrote:
>Well, I don't know if it is by encoding of letters in your e-mail, 
>but what do you expect that
>[a | a . xs, a x ]
>would do?
>PR Stanley wrote:
>>Yes, sorry, I missed the firt line of the algorithm when I was 
>>pasting it into the email. Okay
>>qSort [] = [x]
>>-- and even
>>qSort [x] = x
>>The code fragment below still doesn't work.
>>>>qSort (x:xs) =
>>>>     qSort smaller ++ [x] ++ qSort larger
>>>>     where
>>>>     smaller = [a | a . xs, a x ]
>>>>     larger = [b | b . xs, b > x ]
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