[Haskell-cafe] Type class help please

Adrian Hey ahey at iee.org
Wed May 16 00:57:49 EDT 2007


Here's a simple module I'm playing about with..

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
module Test(GT(..)) where

-- GT class --
class Ord key => GT map key | map -> key where
  assocsAscending :: map a -> [(key,a)] -- Just 1 of many methods

-- Instances of GT are instances of Eq --
instance (GT map key, Eq a) => Eq (map a) where
  map1 == map2 = assocsAscending map1 == assocsAscending map2

When I compile it I get this error..

     Variable occurs more often in a constraint than in the instance head
       in the constraint: GT map key
     (Use -fallow-undecidable-instances to permit this)
     In the instance declaration for `Eq (map a)'

But I can't see any problem here. If map and key are collectively
instances of GT, and the fundep in GT fixes the type of key if
type of map is known, and GT class has Ord constraint on key
(and IIRC Ord class has an Eq constraint so key is a known instance
of Eq), then why is this undecidable?

Anyway, if I compile with -fallow-undecidable-instances I
get this error instead..

     Overlapping instances for Eq [(key, a)]
       arising from use of `==' at Test.hs:10:16-59
     Matching instances:
       instance (Eq a) => Eq [a] -- Defined in GHC.Base
       instance (GT map key, Eq a) => Eq (map a) -- Defined at Test.hs:9:0
     In the expression: (assocsAscending map1) == (assocsAscending map2)
     In the definition of `==':
	== map1 map2 = (assocsAscending map1) == (assocsAscending map2)
     In the definition for method `=='

.. but I don't understand what that means (or to be more precise,
what it seems to be saying makes no sense to me, so it's probably
saying something else :-)

How can my new instance overlap with the old (ghc) instance unless
[] is also an instance of GT for some key type (which it isn't).
Could someone explain?

If I try making key a type arg of map (with no
-fallow-undecidable-instances )..

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
module Test(GT(..)) where

-- GT class --
class Ord key => GT map key | map -> key where
  assocsAscending :: map key a -> [(key,a)] -- key is type arg of map

-- Instances of GT are instances of Eq --
instance (GT map key, Eq a) => Eq (map key a) where
  map1 == map2 = assocsAscending map1 == assocsAscending map2

.. then I don't get the first error "Variable occurs more often in
a constraint than in the instance head". But I still get the
second ("Overlapping instances.."). But I don't really want to do
this anyway as it as AFAICS it defeats the object of using the
fundep in GT class.

I also don't really understand why this second form should be
decidable (presumably), whereas the first isn't. What extra
information does the second provide that isn't already provided
by the fundep in the first?

If I also use the -fallow-overlapping-instances flag then both
forms of this module compile, but with the warning..

Warning: orphan instances: instance [overlap ok] base:GHC.Base.Eq [.] = $f1

I'd be grateful if someone could take the time to explain what's going
on here and (if possible) what I can or should do to get this code to
compile (preferably without using undecidable or overlapping anything).

Adrian Hey

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