[Haskell-cafe] instance monad problem
Creighton Hogg
wchogg at gmail.com
Mon May 14 17:05:26 EDT 2007
On 5/14/07, Veer Singh <haskellnew at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to learn haskell , but i am struggling with types , its
> been around 7 days , it will be very kind if some explain it why this
> error , i think this is the only stumbling block . I am looking for
> the comparison on why similar code works , while other code not .
> I get this error on ghci :
> {-
> `a' is not applied to enough type arguments
> Expected kind `*', but `a' has kind `* -> *'
> In the type `SS a'
> In the type `(Monad a) => {Monad (SS a)}'
> In the instance declaration for `Monad (SS a)'
> -}
> Here is the very small code with comments:
> data SS a = SS a Int
> data Maybe1 a = Nothing1 | Just1 a
> instance Monad Maybe1 where
> (Just1 x) >>= f = f x
> --^^ this loads fine in ghci
> -- where as this
> instance (Monad a)=> Monad (SS a) where
> (SS x y) >>= f = f (x y)
> --^^ does not work , so whats the difference , both have type parameters
> -- something similar works like this :
> instance (Eq a)=>Eq (SS a) where
> (SS x y) == (SS b c) = (y == c) && (x == b)
The problem is that you've overspecified the monad SS.
Notice that you only had to write
instance Monad Maybe1
instance Monad (Maybe1 a)
That's because you declared Maybe1 to only take in one type parameter. SS
also takes in only one type parameter, so you're actually telling it that it
should make SS a b into a monad, but there is no SS a b.
It might help to look at the definition of the State monad in All About
You'll see that state is defined as
newtype State s a =...
and they declare
instance Monad (State s)
instance Monad (State s a)
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