[Haskell-cafe] Re: (Chaos) [An interesting toy]

Andrew Coppin andrewcoppin at btinternet.com
Mon May 7 11:29:49 EDT 2007

>> So... if I'm not actually using lazyness for anything, would it do 
>> any harm to change Double to Double# in the Haskell source code? Or 
>> is there some reason why this would be undesirable? (The source is 
>> carefully constructed
> Well, you'd need -fglasgow-exts for it to even compile.  Other than 
> that, you'd have to use all primitive operations and you might well be 
> preventing the compiler from doing useful optimizations.  But this is 
> really a question for the Simons or other folks who actualy understand 
> the GHC internals.

Hmm... that doesn't sound like such a hot idea...

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