[Haskell-cafe] Mounting haskell.org wiki under WikipediaFS?

Chris Mears chris at cmears.id.au
Sun May 6 23:43:53 EDT 2007

dons at cse.unsw.edu.au (Donald Bruce Stewart) writes:

> Anyone tried editing haskell.org's wiki as text, using:
>     http://wikipediafs.sourceforge.net/

I have now, and it works.  To test it out, do the following:

 - install wikipediafs (it's in Debian's repo., and probably others)
 - $ mkdir wikis (or some other name)
 - $ mount.wikipediafs wikis
 - $ fusermount -u wikis

This creates a default configuration file in ~/.wikipediafs/config.xml.
Edit this, and insert the haskell.org info:


Fill in USERNAME and PASSWORD appropriately.  Now, mount the directory

  - $ mount.wikipediafs wikis
  - $ cd wikis/haskellwiki

There are no files (yet), but when you try to access a file, it will

  - $ head Humor

... will print the first few lines of the Humor page.  Now you can edit
it and save the file, and the changes will be in the wiki.  Happy

(You can apparently include a summary of your changes in the file, as
documentation for the change.  See the mount.wikipediafs man page.)

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