[Haskell-cafe] Playing with GHC [was Arbitrary precision?]

David Waern davve at dtek.chalmers.se
Sun May 6 18:34:15 EDT 2007

> Anyway... long ramble over... Emacs isn't my operating system of choice.
> I prefer to use SciTE (which is *just* a text editor - as in, it doesn't
> also come with an integrated toaster and alarm clock). One SciTE window
> open, one command prompt pointing at the source folder... seems to work
> fairly well. Would be nice if SciTE would colourise Haskell syntax, but
> since Haskell is so absurdly hard to parse, I guess that's asking a lot.
> ;-)

SciTE is based on the Scintilla editor which comes with a lexer for
Haskell.  It's not particularly good, but it's better than nothing. If the
latest version of SciTE doesn't support Haskell syntax highlighting then
it should be very easy for the developers to add.


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