[Haskell-cafe] outputing .hs file without comments

Donald Bruce Stewart dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Thu May 3 20:33:07 EDT 2007

>    Hi all,
>    Is there a simple tool or command to remove all comments
>    from a Haskell file, i.e. something that outputs the input
>    file but without any comments on it?

Using Language.Haskell, such a program is almost trivial:

    -- strip comments from haskell source

    {- the main module -}

    import Language.Haskell.Parser
    import Language.Haskell.Pretty

    main = interact $ \s -> case parseModule s of
        ParseFailed loc str -> (show loc)      ++ "\n"
        ParseOk m           -> (prettyPrint m) ++ "\n" 

And running this program on itself:

    $ runhaskell A.hs < A.hs
    module Main (main) where
    import Language.Haskell.Parser
    import Language.Haskell.Pretty
      = interact $
          \ s ->
            case parseModule s of
                ParseFailed loc str -> (show loc) ++ "\n"
                ParseOk m -> (prettyPrint m) ++ "\n"

Hehe, it also pretty prints :-)

-- Don

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