[Haskell-cafe] infinite lists
Matthias Fischmann
fis at wiwi.hu-berlin.de
Tue Mar 27 05:52:13 EDT 2007
it just took me an eternity to undestand a bug in my code *after* i
had narrowed it down to eight lines or so. and as these bugs go, i
feel very good about having found it and have to share it. although
it's probably not that exciting to anybody except me. (-:
here is the bug, narrowed to four lines. a function that only
sometimes terminates.
f = do
n <- randomRIO (0,5)
let l = replicate n '*'
i = join $ repeat l -- infinite extension
print (take 12 i)
how many seconds does it take you to shout "you idiot!"? :-) spoiler
below. (what would have been your fix?)
spoiler. the problem is that l is sometimes empty, and taking an
element out of an infinite concatenation of empty lists takes even
longer than understanding that that takes quite long. just deal with
the empty-list case separately:
g = do
n <- randomRIO (0,5)
let l = replicate n '*'
i | null l = []
| otherwise = join $ repeat l
print (take 12 i)
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