[Haskell-cafe] Algorithms

ls-haskell-developer-2006 at m-e-leypold.de ls-haskell-developer-2006 at m-e-leypold.de
Sun Mar 18 12:08:53 EDT 2007

"P. R. Stanley" <prstanley at ntlworld.com> writes:

>         P. R. Stanley:
>         > "When you write a general solution for a class of problems, as
>         opposed 
>         > to a specific solution to a single problem, you have written an
>         algorithm."
>         > Discuss!

> P. R. Stanley
> yes, this is good. So, let's start with A. How would you sope the problem? What's your algorithm for identifying
> problems?

See, that is, where YOUR problem ( :-) already starts. I found the
original "definition" of an algorithm you quoted already deficient in
this respect. Actually I wonder, wether that should not have read (if
we want to keep something from the original approach at all):

    When you write a general solution for a problem, as opposed to a
    specific answer to a specific question, you have written an

Regards -- Markus

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