[Haskell-cafe] Lazy IO and closing of file handles

Claus Reinke claus.reinke at talk21.com
Wed Mar 14 22:59:12 EDT 2007

> When using readFile to process a large number of files, I am exceeding
> the resource limits for the maximum number of open file descriptors on
> my system.  How can I enhance my program to deal with this situation
> without making significant changes?
>  1. Read contents of all files returning a list of Strings
>  2. Map over the list and parse each String as an Email
>  3. Sort the list of Emails
>  4. Group the list of Emails by Subject
>  5. Map over the grouped list to create a list of Threads
>  6. Finally, print the list of Threads

this logical pipeline is actually executed as driven by demand from strict i/o 
operations, such as 6, which opens many files early, processing them late;
this leaves many files opened and partly read, grabbing file resources like mad.
as others have pointed out, readFile's input resources can be freed when 
either the file has been read to the end, or all references to readFile's output
have been dropped.
> How do I go about fixing this without making a significant number of
> changes to my program?  Did I make a mistake in steps 1 and 2 above?
> Should I have read and parsed a single file at a time, and then move
> on to the next?  

in order to keep the overall structure, one could move readFile backwards
and parseEmail forwards in the pipeline, until the two meet. then make sure
that parseEmail completely constructs the internal representation of each
email, thereby keeping no implicit references to the external representation.


> module Main where
> import Control.Monad (filterM, liftM)
> import Data.List
> import Data.Maybe
> import System.Directory
> import System.Environment
> import System.IO
> type From    = String
> type Subject = String
> data Email   = Email {from :: From, subject :: Subject} deriving Show
> data Thread  = Thread [Email]
> instance Show Thread where
>     show (Thread emails@(e:es)) = title ++ senders
>         where
>           title   = newline . bolder . subject $ e
>           sender  = newline . indent . from
>           senders = concatMap sender emails
>           newline = (++ "\n")
>           indent  = ("  " ++)
>           bolder  = ("\27[0;32;40m" ++) . (++ "\27[0m")
> main =
>     getArgs                 >>=
>     mapM filesOfDirectory   >>=
>     mapM (mapM processFile) >>=
>     mapM_ print . threadEmails . concat
> filesOfDirectory :: FilePath -> IO [String]
> filesOfDirectory dir =
>     fmap (map ((dir++"/")++)) (getDirectoryContents dir) >>=
>     filterM doesFileExist         -- ignore directories
> processFile path = do
>   text <- readFile path
>   return $! (parseEmail text)
> parseEmail :: String -> Email
> parseEmail text = 
>     (Email $! (getHeader "From")) $! (getHeader "Subject")
>         where
>           strictly s= length s `seq` s
>           getHeader = strictly . fromMaybe "N/A" . flip lookup headers
>           headers   = concatMap mkassoc . takeWhile (/="") $ lines text
>           mkassoc s = case findIndex (==':') s of
>                         Just n  -> [(take n s, drop (n+2) s)]
>                         Nothing -> []
> threadEmails :: [Email] -> [Thread]
> threadEmails =
>     map Thread . groupBy (fuzzy (==)) . sortBy (fuzzy compare)
>         where
>           fuzzy fn e e' = stripReFwd (subject e) `fn` stripReFwd (subject e')
>           stripReFwd    = stripSpaces . reverse . stripToColon . reverse
>           stripSpaces   = dropWhile (==' ')
>           stripToColon  = takeWhile (/=':')

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