[Haskell-cafe] Lazy IO and closing of file handles
Pete Kazmier
pete-expires-20070513 at kazmier.com
Wed Mar 14 18:12:13 EDT 2007
When using readFile to process a large number of files, I am exceeding
the resource limits for the maximum number of open file descriptors on
my system. How can I enhance my program to deal with this situation
without making significant changes?
My program takes one or more directories that contain email messages,
stored one per file, and prints a list of all the email threads. Here
is a snippet of output:
New addition to the Kazmier family
Casey Kazmier
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As a newcomer to Haskell, I am intrigued by lazy evaluation and how it
can influence one's designs. With that said, I wrote the program as a
sequence of list manipulations which seemed quite natural to do in
Haskell starting with reading the contents of the each file. Here is
the algorithm at the high level:
1. Read contents of all files returning a list of Strings
2. Map over the list and parse each String as an Email
3. Sort the list of Emails
4. Group the list of Emails by Subject
5. Map over the grouped list to create a list of Threads
6. Finally, print the list of Threads
It is my understanding that, as a result of lazy IO, the entire file
does not need to be read into memory because parseEmail only inspects
the topmost portion of the email (its headers), which is a key part of
my design as some of the files can be quite large. Unfortunately, as
soon as I run this program on a directory with more than 1024 files,
GHC craps out on me due to resource limits. It seems that the handles
opened by readFile remain open. Would this be common across all
Haskell implementations?
How do I go about fixing this without making a significant number of
changes to my program? Did I make a mistake in steps 1 and 2 above?
Should I have read and parsed a single file at a time, and then move
on to the next?
I'd appreciate any other comments on the program as well. I feel this
is the best example of Haskell code that I have written. Compared to
the first version of this program I wrote a few months ago, this is a
hundred times better.
Here is the program:
> module Main where
> import Control.Monad (filterM, liftM)
> import Data.List
> import Data.Maybe
> import System.Directory
> import System.Environment
> type From = String
> type Subject = String
> data Email = Email {from :: From, subject :: Subject} deriving Show
> data Thread = Thread [Email]
> instance Show Thread where
> show (Thread emails@(e:es)) = title ++ senders
> where
> title = newline . bolder . subject $ e
> sender = newline . indent . from
> senders = concatMap sender emails
> newline = (++ "\n")
> indent = (" " ++)
> bolder = ("\27[0;32;40m" ++) . (++ "\27[0m")
> main =
> getArgs >>=
> mapM fileContentsOfDirectory >>=
> mapM_ print . threadEmails . map parseEmail . concat
> fileContentsOfDirectory :: FilePath -> IO [String]
> fileContentsOfDirectory dir =
> setCurrentDirectory dir >>
> getDirectoryContents dir >>=
> filterM doesFileExist >>= -- ignore directories
> mapM readFile
> parseEmail :: String -> Email
> parseEmail text =
> Email (getHeader "From") (getHeader "Subject")
> where
> getHeader = fromMaybe "N/A" . flip lookup headers
> headers = concatMap mkassoc . takeWhile (/="") $ lines text
> mkassoc s = case findIndex (==':') s of
> Just n -> [(take n s, drop (n+2) s)]
> Nothing -> []
> threadEmails :: [Email] -> [Thread]
> threadEmails =
> map Thread . groupBy (fuzzy (==)) . sortBy (fuzzy compare)
> where
> fuzzy fn e e' = stripReFwd (subject e) `fn` stripReFwd (subject e')
> stripReFwd = stripSpaces . reverse . stripToColon . reverse
> stripSpaces = dropWhile (==' ')
> stripToColon = takeWhile (/=':')
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