[Haskell-cafe] open a browser from the command line, wait a few seconds, and shut it. (ie, translate forking from bash to haskell)

Donald Bruce Stewart dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Thu Mar 8 16:37:31 EST 2007

> I have a bash script that opens a browser for a few seconds, and then 
> closes it.
> Could someone point me up the equivelant(s) in haskell, h4sh, hsh,
> etc,0 and friends?
> I reckon this amounts to, what's the process for translating forking
> from bash to haskell.
> ********
> #!/bin/bash
> konqueror http://www.google.com &
> pid=$! # give the page some time to load
> sleep 5
> kill $pid
> ********

Something like:

    import System.Posix

    main = do
        p <- run "xclock" []
        sleep 5
        signalProcess sigTERM p
        r <- getProcessStatus True False p
        print r

    run x args = forkProcess $ executeFile x True args Nothing


-- Don

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