[Haskell-cafe] Literate haskell format unclear (implementation
and specification inconsistencies)
Ian Lynagh
igloo at earth.li
Sat Mar 3 13:50:49 EST 2007
On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 12:18:44PM -0500, Isaac Dupree wrote:
> Here are some (String -> Bool) to test lines during parsing.
I haven't looked at your definitions in detail, but I think they might
be easier to follow (and, ultimately, include in the report) if they
were written in a BNF style like the one used in the report.
I also think it would be good to have a Haskell spec (a testsuite would
also be good, but not in the report itself). I've had a quick go at
hacking one up (attached) - entirely untested, but ghci -Wall is happy.
If I'm lucky it might even match my answers earlier in the thread. It
should be easy to alter if we decide to use different answers instead.
-------------- next part --------------
import Data.Char
main :: IO ()
main = do xs <- getContents
putStr $ unlines $ unlit BirdAllowed $ lines xs
data State = InCode | InBird | BirdAllowed | BirdNotAllowed
data LineType = BeginCode | EndCode | BirdTrack String | Blank | Normal
unlit :: State -> [String] -> [String]
unlit InCode [] = error "File ended in a code block"
unlit _ [] = []
unlit s (x:xs)
= case (lineType x, s) of
-- First deal with code blocks
(BeginCode, InCode) -> error "Can't nest code blocks"
(BeginCode, _) -> unlit InCode xs
(EndCode, InCode) -> unlit BirdAllowed xs
(EndCode, _) -> error "Closing non-existent code block"
(_, InCode) -> x : unlit InCode xs
-- Now deal with bird tracks
(BirdTrack _, BirdNotAllowed) -> error "Bird track next to stuff"
(BirdTrack x', _) -> x' : unlit InBird xs
(Normal, InBird) -> error "Bird track next to stuff"
(Normal, _) -> unlit BirdNotAllowed xs
(Blank, _) -> unlit BirdAllowed xs
lineType :: String -> LineType
lineType x
| x `starts` "\\begin{code}" = BeginCode
| x `starts` "\\end{code}" = EndCode
| otherwise = case x of
('>':x') -> BirdTrack (' ':x')
_ | all isSpace x -> Blank
| otherwise -> Normal
starts :: String -> String -> Bool
x `starts` pref = case x `stripPrefix` pref of
Just s
| all isSpace s -> True
| otherwise -> error ("Trailing characters after " ++ pref)
Nothing -> False
-- I really need to get around to proposing this for the standard libraries
stripPrefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
xs `stripPrefix` [] = Just xs
[] `stripPrefix` _ = Nothing
(x:xs) `stripPrefix` (y:ys)
| x == y = xs `stripPrefix` ys
| otherwise = Nothing
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