[Haskell-cafe] XmlSerializer.deserialize?

Hugh Perkins hughperkins at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 15:26:00 EDT 2007

On 6/25/07, Udo Stenzel <u.stenzel at web.de> wrote:
> That type signature describes a function that can deliver *anything*
> (that is in class Data), whatever you ask from it.

Yes, that is the goal :-)

> If you do that, you wind up dragging in all the
> machinery of Data.Generic

Is reflection hard in Haskell?  In C# its easy, and its one of the most
powerful features of C#

just to implement what HaXml does with much
> simpler technology.  I doubt that's what you actually want.

It is exactly what I want ;-)  haxml needs a DTD.

On the other hand, I might be misunderstanding.  In that case,

> Data.Generics should have everything you need, in particular gunfold and
> friends.

Yes, but I'm kindof stuck giving useful input to makeConstrM, so if anyone
has any ideas?

kpreid in irc gave me an example of using makeConstrM for a pair of strings
, but I cant seem to generalize it to work with a custom data type
containing strings and ints ( eg Config{ login :: String, maxLogAgeDays ::
Int } )

Current (not working) code looks something like the following. Most of the
working bits of testConstrM' / runM' come from kpreid, the rest is my feeble
attempts to tweak it.

runM' :: (MonadState [String] m, Monad m, Data a) => m a
runM' = do
   value <- gets head
   modify tail
   -- then one of: (pick the non-working function of your choice ;-)  :
   -- return read (fromJust value)
   -- return (fromJust $ cast value )
   -- return (fst $ head $ gread( "(" ++ value ++ ")" ) )
   -- return (fromConstrM runM' constr)
   -- return (fromConstr contr)

testConstrM' :: (Read a, Data a, Read c, Read b, Data b, Data c) => [String]
-> a -> (b,c)
testConstrM' fieldvalues object = evalState( fromConstrM runM' (toConstr
object) ) fieldvalues

data Config = Config{ name :: String, age :: Int }
   deriving( Data, Show, Typeable, Ord, Eq, Read )
createConfig = Config "blah" 3

test = testConstrM' ["qsdfqsdf", "7"] createConfig

(I've left out the xml parsing bit, which you can find at:
http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/HXT section 9.1.1/9.1.2)

Maybe I should escalate the question to the haskell at haskell.org group?
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