[Haskell-cafe] Re: Tree Guidance

Chris Kuklewicz haskell at list.mightyreason.com
Tue Jun 26 11:17:27 EDT 2007

apfelmus wrote:
> Up-pointers won't work in Haskell, you'll need a different approach. Can
> you elaborate on what your tree looks like and what it stores?

"pointers" don't exist in Haskell, though they do exist in the Foreign.* 
interface package.

But Up-values work just fine:

> import Data.Tree
> -- Build a tree of divisors:
> tree :: Tree String
> tree = unfoldTree f 12 -- example
>   where f 1 = (show 1,[])
>         f n = (show n,[ x | x <- [1..n `div` 2], n `mod` x == 0])
> -- One possible design, using Maybe:
> data UpTree a = UpTree { value :: a
>                        , parent :: Maybe (UpTree a)
>                        , children :: [UpTree a]
>                        }
> -- Convert a Tree to an UpTree
> treeToUpTree t = helper Nothing t where
>   helper p t =
>     let p' = UpTree { value = rootLabel t
>                     , parent = p
>                     , children = map (helper (Just p')) (subForest t)
>                     }
>     in p'
> upTree :: UpTree String
> upTree = treeToUpTree tree -- example
> -- Pretty print this example UpTree with careful access to parent:
> instance Show a => Show (UpTree a) where
>   show u@(UpTree {parent=Nothing}) =
>       "ROOT_UpTree "++show (value u)++"\n"
>                ++(indent 3 $ show (children u))
>   show u@(UpTree {parent=Just p,children=[]}) =
>       "UpTree "++show (value u)++"\n"
>                ++"   parent value is "++show (value p)++"\n"
>   show u@(UpTree {parent=Just p}) =
>       "UpTree "++show (value u)++"\n"
>                ++"   parent value is "++show (value p)++"\n"
>                ++(indent 3 $ show (children u))
> indent n x = let xs = lines x
>              in if null xs then ""
>                   else unlines $ map (replicate n ' ' ++) xs
> main = print upTree


ROOT_UpTree "12"
    [LEAF UpTree "1"
       parent value is "12"
    ,BRANCH UpTree "2"
       parent value is "12"
       [LEAF UpTree "1"
          parent value is "2"
    ,BRANCH UpTree "3"
       parent value is "12"
       [LEAF UpTree "1"
          parent value is "3"
    ,BRANCH UpTree "4"
       parent value is "12"
       [LEAF UpTree "1"
          parent value is "4"
       ,BRANCH UpTree "2"
          parent value is "4"
          [LEAF UpTree "1"
             parent value is "2"
    ,BRANCH UpTree "6"
       parent value is "12"
       [LEAF UpTree "1"
          parent value is "6"
       ,BRANCH UpTree "2"
          parent value is "6"
          [LEAF UpTree "1"
             parent value is "2"
       ,BRANCH UpTree "3"
          parent value is "6"
          [LEAF UpTree "1"
             parent value is "3"

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