[Haskell-cafe] Practical Haskell question.
Arie Peterson
ariep at xs4all.nl
Mon Jun 25 12:40:05 EDT 2007
As others have explained, you can't analyse your do-constructs, because
functions are opaque -- at the value level.
The canonical option would indeed seem to be to use arrows (or applicative
functors), instead of monads.
If you want to stick to monads, there is another possibility: carry around
the necessary checks *at the type level*. Below is a sketch of how you
could do this.
Things to note:
- Uses HList <http://homepages.cwi.nl/~ralf/HList/>.
- Deciding which checks to perform happens statically, so it will check
for any actions that are mentioned, even if they are not actually
actionX >>= \ b -> if b then actionY else actionZ
will perform checks necessary for actionZ, even if actionX happens to
return True.
- First draft; may contain sharp edges (or outright errors). There are
some possibilities for generalisation: e.g. do it over an arbitrary monad,
instead of IO.
module CheckIO where
import Control.Monad.Error
import HList
, (.*.)
, HNil
, HOccurs
data CheckIO labels x
= CheckIO (IO x)
instance Monad (CheckIO l) where
return = CheckIO . return
(CheckIO a) >>= h = CheckIO $ a >>= ((\ (CheckIO x) -> x) . h)
fail = CheckIO . fail
instance Functor (CheckIO l) where
fmap f (CheckIO a) = CheckIO (fmap f a)
withCheck :: (HOccurs label labels) => IO x -> label -> CheckIO labels x
withCheck = flip (const CheckIO)
class Check label where
check :: label -> ErrorT String IO () -- |label| argument is for type
inference only
class Checks c where
performChecks :: c -> ErrorT String IO () -- |c| argument is for type
inference only
instance Checks HNil where
performChecks _ = return ()
instance (Check label,Checks rest) => Checks (label :*: rest) where
performChecks _ = check (undefined :: label) >> performChecks (undefined
:: rest)
runWithChecks :: forall labels x. (Checks labels) => CheckIO labels x ->
labels -> ErrorT String IO x
runWithChecks (CheckIO q) _ = performChecks (undefined :: labels) >> liftIO q
-- End of general CheckIO code; the following example use would actually
go in a different module.
-- Component actions
data Root
= Root
instance Check Root where
check _ = do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Root privileges required. Enter root password:"
pw <- liftIO getLine
if pw == "myRootPassword"
then return ()
else throwError "No root."
actionA :: (HOccurs Root labels) => CheckIO labels ()
actionA = putStrLn "Enter a string:" `withCheck` Root
data Database
= Database
instance Check Database where
check _ = liftIO $ putStrLn "Database is ok."
actionB :: (HOccurs Database labels) => CheckIO labels String
actionB = getLine `withCheck` Database
data Connection
= Connection
instance Check Connection where
check _ = do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Connection up?"
x <- liftIO getLine
if x == "yes"
then return ()
else throwError "No connection."
actionC :: (HOccurs Connection labels) => String -> CheckIO labels ()
actionC x = putStrLn (reverse x) `withCheck` Connection
-- Composed action
main :: ErrorT String IO ()
main = action `runWithChecks` (Connection .*. Database .*. Root .*. HNil)
action :: (HOccurs Root labels,HOccurs Connection labels,HOccurs Database
labels) => CheckIO labels ()
action = do
x <- actionB
actionC x
Kind regards,
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