[Haskell-cafe] problem implementing an EDSL in Haskell
Conal Elliott
conal at conal.net
Sun Jun 24 13:34:56 EDT 2007
Hi Daniil,
By "embedded" DSL, we usually mean identifying meta-language (Haskell)
expressions with object language (DSL) expressions, rather than having an
"Exp" data type. Then you just use meta-language variables as
object-language variables. The new data types you introduce are then
domain-oriented rather than language-oriented. Is there a reason that this
kind of "embedded" approach doesn't work for you?
Cheers, - Conal
On 6/7/07, Daniil Elovkov <daniil.elovkov at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hello folks
> Haskell is considered good for embedded DSLs. I'm trying to implement
> some simple EDSL in a typeful manner and having a problem with looking
> up variable values.
> I've got an Expression GADT, which admits variables. The problem is
> with writing compute function which will lookup variable values in a
> type-safe manner.
> The exp. data type is like this
> data Exp a where
> Const a :: Val a -> Exp a
> Var :: a -> String -> Exp a -- where the first comp. isn't
> used,only for type info.
> ....
> So, obviously, I have to perform lookups in some 'scope' to compute
> the expression. By scope I mean the list of (name,value) pairs.
> How do I represent the scope? Well, I haven't gone that far as to
> encode statically the information about the type of every variable in
> scope. Instead, I used existentials to hide their types and put'em all
> in a list.
> For that purpose I introduced pack/unpack.
> -- value with dynamic type annotation
> -- m here and below can be Val, Exp, etc.
> -- to represent Val Int, Exp Int, etc.
> data Type m = TInt (m Int) | TString (m String) | TDouble (m Double)
> class Typed a where
> typ :: m a -> Type m
> instance Typed Int where typ x = TInt x
> instance Typed String where typ x = TString x
> instance Typed Double where typ x = TDouble x
> data Opaque m = forall a. (Typed a) => Opaque (m a)
> -- extract to an annotated representation
> extract :: Opaque m -> Type m
> extract (Opaque a) = typ a
> How would you suggest, I write compute function?
> My try was
> compute :: Scope -> Exp t -> Val t
> compute scope (Const x) = x -- trivial
> compute scope (Var t name) = -- intereseting part
> let opq = lookup name scope
> val = case opq of
> Nothing -> error "not in scope"
> Just opq -> extract opq
> expType = aux t
> in case val `matches` expType of -- I'd like to make some 'matches'
> func.
> Nothing -> error "type error" -- which would either produce an
> error
> Just v -> v -- or return the value, based on run-time tags
> matches :: Typed m -> Typed m -> Maybe (m a)
> BUT of course this type is bad, there's no 'a' in the left side
> matches (TInt x) (TInt _) = Just x
> matches (TString x) (TString _) = Just x
> matches (TDouble x) (TDouble _) = Just x
> matches _ _ = Nothing
> So, clearly the problem is in that Type m has no evidence of a, which
> was its very purpose. Ok, so I made
> data FType m a where
> FInt :: m Int -> FType m Int
> FString :: m String -> FType m String
> FDouble :: m Double -> Aux m a
> class Typed a where
> typ :: m a -> Type m -- as before
> ftyp :: m a -> FType m a -- new one
> and again obvious instance
> instance Typed Int where ftyp x = FInt x
> ...
> And of course, I'd like to get that information somehow
> extract2 (Opaque a) = ftyp a
> I rewrote 'matches' accordingly but the problem is already in the type
> of extract2
> its type Opaque m -> (forall a. (Typed a) => m a)
> is not good to ghc, less polymorphic than expected
> So, in principle it must be doable, since opaque data retains its
> dictionary, and by that I can get a dynamic tag, say FInt x, where x
> is proved to be Int.
> What would you suggest?
> Thank you
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