[Haskell-cafe] Parsec question
Levi Stephen
levi.stephen at optusnet.com.au
Thu Jun 21 19:51:51 EDT 2007
Tillmann Rendel wrote:
> My self-defined monadic combinator of choice to use with parsec is
> a >>~ b = a >>= \x -> b >> return x
> It works like (>>), but returns the result of the first instead of the
> result of the second computation. It is kind of an alternative for
> between:
> between lparen rparen p == lparen >> p >>~ rparen
Cool. I've always liked how Parsec made parsers so readable, and this
makes it even more so.
> It can be usefull like this:
> data Term = TVar Identifier | TTerm Identifier [Term]
> term = (return TTerm
> `ap` try (identififer >>~ lparen)
> `ap` (term `sepBy` comma >>~ rparen))
> <|> (return TVar
> `ap` identifier)
> After accepting lparen, the second branch is discarded.
Interesting. I think I'll have to keep this one around. Not sure if I'll
need it, but its the kind of thing that would have taken me a while to
solve ;)
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