[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell serialisation,
was: To yi or not to yi...
apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Thu Jun 21 12:32:59 EDT 2007
Tom Schrijvers wrote:
>> On Thursday 21 June 2007, Tom Schrijvers wrote:
>>> That wouldn't make a difference. If, from the pure Haskell point of view
>>> we can't tell the difference between two expressions that denote the
>>> same function, then operations in the IO monad should not be able to do so
>>> either.
IO cannot be understood by denotational semantics ("=") alone anyway. I
mean, we obviously have
randomIO = randomIO
but operationally ("~>"), we have a non-deterministic choice of transition
randomIO ~> return 42
randomIO ~> return 13
> John Cast wrote
>> This doesn't make any sense to me. IO is a non-determinism monad
>> (among many other things). That's already true --- randomIO is one example;
>> Control.Exception.evaluate is another (and is already dependent on the
>> particular compilation choices made). I think of Haskell `values' as
>> sets of legal representations anyway --- why shouldn't serialize be free to
>> make a non-deterministic choice from among those sets, just like evaluate can
>> make a non-deterministic choice from the set of exceptions an expression can
>> throw?
> Good point. I agree, if the specification is non-deterministic, this
> should be alright.
Yes, the only guarantee you can get is that "compile" can turn your
serialization back into the same function:
fmap compile . serialize = return . Just
To illustrate the point, here's a serialize for integers:
serialize :: Int -> IO String
serialize n = do
k <- randomRIO (1,n-1)
return $ "(" ++show k ++ "+" ++ show (n-k) ++ ")"
that gives intentionally different representations.
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