[Haskell-cafe] Re: Collections
apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Wed Jun 20 03:47:22 EDT 2007
Thomas Conway wrote:
> In particular, I find my self wanting to use a priority queue for
> N-way sorted merge, which you can do with Data.Map: (compiles, so
> clearly works even though I have not tested it. ;-) )
> import Data.List as List
> import Data.Map as Map
> merge :: Ord t => [[t]] -> [t]
> merge lists = merge' $ Map.fromList $ concatMap makePair lists
> where
> makePair [] = []
> makePair (x:xs) = [(x,xs)]
> merge' heap
> | Map.null heap = []
> | otherwise = x:(merge' $ removeEqual x $ reinsert xs heap')
> where
> ((x,xs), heap') = deleteFindMin heap
> reinsert [] heap = heap
> reinsert (x:xs) heap = Map.insert x xs heap
> removeEqual x heap
> | Map.null heap = heap
> | x /= y = heap
> | otherwise = removeEqual x $ reinsert ys heap'
> where
> ((y,ys), heap') = deleteFindMin heap
Eh, why not a simple mergesort that also deletes duplicates?
-- the nested lists must be sorted: map sort xs == xs
mergesort :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [a]
mergesort [] = []
mergesort xs = foldtree1 merge xs
foldtree1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a
foldtree1 f [x] = x
foldtree1 f xs = foldtree1 f $ pairs xs
pairs [] = []
pairs [x] = [x]
pairs (x:x':xs) = f x x' : pairs xs
merge :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
merge [] ys = ys
merge xs [] = xs
merge xs'@(x:xs) ys'@(y:ys)
| x < y = x:merge xs ys'
| x == y = merge xs ys'
| otherwise = y:merge xs' ys
The function 'foldtree1' folds the elements of the list as if they where
in a binary tree:
foldrtree1 f [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
((1 `f` 2) `f` (3 `f` 4)) `f` ((5 `f` 6) `f` (7 `f` 8))
and with f = merge, this serves as heap (although a very implicit one).
The hole mergesort will take
O(n*log (length xs)) where n = length (concat xs)
time. Moreover, this variant of mergesort happens to generate elements
as soon as they are available, i.e.
head . mergesort is O(n)
See also
> The other thing I have found myself doing often is using splitLookup
> followed by union, though what I really want is "join" being the dual
> of split - i.e. requiring all the keys in the rhs to be greater than
> the keys in the lhs. My own AVL tree implementation has this operation
> which is O(log n), which is rather better than union's O(n log n).
2-3-Finger trees support efficient splits and concatenations:
In fact, you can build a plethora of data structures from them.
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