[Haskell-cafe] Re: String Hashing
apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Tue Jun 19 04:28:20 EDT 2007
Thomas Conway wrote:
> On 6/19/07, apfelmus <apfelmus at quantentunnel.de> wrote:
>> Trie it is,
>> not balanced tree.
>> A logarithm in this
>> would be new to me. :)
> True enough, my braino.
So, accessing a key in a trie is O(key size in bits), not much different
from a hash table.
>> As a side node, Mr. Exp says: 64 is large enough for the size needs of
>> any logarithm.
> Que?
A pun(y) formulation of the fact that (log n <= 64) for (almost) any
finite map situation you'll ever encounter because 2^64 = 16 Exabyte.
>> In any case, you could be able to set up an infinite trie and have lazy
>> evaluation allocate space as needed:
>> type Trie a = Branch (TVar a) (Trie a) (Trie a)
> Tree-like structure's are quite hostile to highly concurrent manipulation.
> It helps to introduce TVar indirections at each level:
> data Trie a = Branch (TVar a) (TVar (Trie a)) (TVar (Trie a))
> Then you can update a subtree without having to modify the spine of the
> tree.
What I wanted to point out is that the spine simply doesn't need to be
modified at all. In other words, you have an infinite tree residing in
memory and insertion/deletion happens by updating the TVars that hold
the values (and probably should be of type TVar (Maybe a) then).
Of course, there can't be infinite trees in memory :) but lazy
evaluation makes it appear as if. In fact, every branch will be modified
at most once before the first read and subsequent accesses are
read-only. I don't know whether or how this is implemented in concurrent
GHC at the moment, but I think that this can safely be implemented with
a lock whereas dead-lock means that the program denotes _|_ anyway.
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