[Haskell-cafe] Sneaking haskell in the workplace -- cleaning csv files

Tomasz Zielonka tomasz.zielonka at gmail.com
Sat Jun 16 08:01:14 EDT 2007

On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 12:08:22PM +0100, Jim Burton wrote:
> Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
> >It would be easier to experiment if you could provide us with an
> >example input file. If you are worried about revealing sensitive
> >information, you can change all characters other then newline,
> >~ and , to "A"s, for example. An accompanying output file, for checking
> >correctness, would be even nicer.
> Hi Tomasz, I can do that but they do essentially look like the example 
> above, except with 10 - 30 columns, more data in each column, and more 
> rows, maybe this side of a million. They are produced by an Oracle 
> export which escapes the delimiter (often a tilde) from within the cols. 
> The output file should have exactly one row per line, with extra 
> newlines replaced by a string given as a param (it might be a space or a 
> html tag -- I only just remembered this and my initial effort doesn't do 
> it).

I guess you've tried to convince Oracle to produce the right format in
the first place, so there would be no need for post-processing...?

I wonder what would you get if you set the delimiter to be a newline ;-)

Best regards

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