[Haskell-cafe] Re: Construct all possible trees

Andrew Coppin andrewcoppin at btinternet.com
Wed Jun 13 16:15:00 EDT 2007

Jon Fairbairn wrote:
>> I'm trying to construct a function
>>   all_trees :: [Int] -> [Tree]
>> such that all_trees [1,2,3] will yield
>> [
>> Leaf 1,
>> Leaf 2,
>> Leaf 3,
>> Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2),
>> Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 3),
>> Branch (Leaf 2) (Leaf 1),
>> Branch (Leaf 2) (Leaf 3),
>> Branch (Leaf 3) (Leaf 1),
>> Branch (Leaf 3) (Leaf 2),
>> Branch (Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)) (Leaf 3),
>> Branch (Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 3)) (Leaf 1),
>> Branch (Branch (Leaf 2) (Leaf 1)) (Leaf 3),
>> Branch (Branch (Leaf 2) (Leaf 3)) (Leaf 1),
>> Branch (Branch (Leaf 3) (Leaf 1)) (Leaf 2),
>> Branch (Branch (Leaf 3) (Leaf 2)) (Leaf 1),
>> Branch (Leaf 1) (Branch (Leaf 2) (Leaf 3)),
>> Branch (Leaf 1) (Branch (Leaf 3) (Leaf 2)),
>> Branch (Leaf 2) (Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 3)),
>> Branch (Leaf 2) (Branch (Leaf 3) (Leaf 2)),
>> Branch (Leaf 3) (Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)),
>> Branch (Leaf 3) (Branch (Leaf 2) (Leaf 1))
>> ]
> Why does it stop there? That's not all the trees, surely?

Really? OK, what other trees do *you* think you can construct from the 
numbers 1, 2 and 3?

> Otherwise I'd suggest something like this:
>> module Main where
> derive some classes for demo purposes
>> data Tree = Leaf Integer | Branch Tree Tree deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
>    A fair product (can't find one in the libraries):
>> as >< bs
>>     = strip 1 [[(a,b) | b <-bs] | a <- as]
>>       where        
>>       strip n [] = []
>>       strip n ll = heads
>>                    ++ strip (n+1) (tails ++ rest)
>>                        where (first_n, rest) = splitAt n ll
>>                              heads = [a | (a:_) <- first_n]
>>                              tails = [as | (_:as) <- first_n]
>    works by generating a list of lists representing the product
>    matrix and then repeatedly stripping off the leading
>    edge. I'm sure something like this must be in a library
>    somewhere, but I couldn't find it in quick search. Once
>    we've got that, all_trees is simple:
>> all_trees l
>>     = at 
>>       where at = map Leaf l ++ map (uncurry Branch) (at >< at)
> ... and mutter something about using bulk operations and
> laziness.

I'll have to sit down and think about why that works... ;-)

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