[Haskell-cafe] OSCON 2007, who's going?

Christopher Milton cmiltonperl at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 11 09:54:13 EDT 2007

--- Evan Lenz <evan at evanlenz.net> wrote:
> I'll be there for the Haskell tutorial (and Damian Conway's Vim 
> tutorial). I've been to OSCON one other time (2005) and that was to 
> present a tutorial on XSLT. I won't be staying for the conference though.
> Portland is nice. I live in Seattle, and we make it down there every so 
> often.
> Evan

XSLT is what I do at my dayjob, too. I just presented
a quick tutorial (one hour) on how we like our XSLT
to be done and how to use XPath in the company. None
of the developers who needed to be there showed up.
Next week I do one to show how I use XSLT to route
messages around the company. The support guys asked
for that, since it will help them debug message flows.

Your "XSLT 1.0 Pocket Reference" is very helpful, but
I wish people would buy their own and stop borrowing
mine all the time. :-D

Today I get to see if we can use Java classes created
by a mapping tool, because their XSLT would not run on
our infrastructure (IBM's WebSphere Message Broker).
The XSLT compiled to bad Java classes, but since the
XSLT was created from Java classes, maybe the original
Java classes might work???

I've been considering both those tutorials as well as
Higher-order Perl and Intro to Rails, but I'll probably
end up in whatever isn't full when I get to registering.
At least my flight and hotel are booked. Now my employers
just have not to cancel my vacation.

My next mission, besides convincing people at work that
I know Perl and Java (most of what I was doing before
they hired me), is to get them to switch to Haskell.

> Christopher Milton wrote:
> > Are a lot of Haskellers going to be at OSCON, or just
> > Simon Peyton Jones and myself?
> >
> > http://conferences.oreillynet.com/os2007/
> >
> > I've never been to Portland, Oregon, before.
> >
> >
> > Chris Milton
> > AIM: cmiltonperl
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