[Haskell-cafe] Fast number parsing with strict bytestrings [Was:
Re: Seemingly subtle change causes large performance variation]
Donald Bruce Stewart
dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Sat Jun 9 01:10:19 EDT 2007
> Lovely!
> Perhaps a stylistic shift would encourage writing this sort
> of elegant, fusion-friendly code.
> -- Generalized version of "interact". Encapsulates data
> getter & putter.
> genInteract :: IO i -> (o -> IO ()) -> ((i -> o) -> IO
> ())
> genInteract get put = \ f -> get >>= put . f
Yes, I think this is a good idea. Perhaps even a small module
for doing fast folds over lists of lines (abstracting out the
cache/demand/traversal code from solution #3.)
Also, I realise I'd missed another optimisatoin for #3, minimal copying
to do the alignment. Gains another 10%:
process k !i (s:t:ts) | S.last s /= '\n' = process k (add k i s') ts'
(s',r) = S.breakEnd (=='\n') s
(r',rs) = S.break (=='\n') t
ts' = S.concat [r,r',S.singleton '\n'] : unsafeTail rs : ts
Here, we copy only the smallest amount from the end of the current
chunk, and the start of the next chunk, to do \n aligning. Gets us down
$ time ./G < in
./G < in 0.19s user 0.02s system 96% cpu 0.210 total
And the code:
{-# OPTIONS -fbang-patterns #-}
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.ByteString.Base
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
main = do
ss <- L.getContents -- done with IO now.
let (l,ls) = L.break (=='\n') ss
-- don't need count, we're allocating lazily
k = fst . fromJust . L.readInt . last . L.split ' ' $ l
-- a lazy list of strict chunks
file = L.toChunks (L.tail ls)
print $ process k 0 file
divisibleBy :: Int -> Int -> Bool
a `divisibleBy` n = a `rem` n == 0
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Optimised parsing of strict bytestrings representing \n separated numbers
-- we have the file as a list of cache chunks
-- align them on \n boundaries, and process each chunk separately
-- when the next chunk is demanded, it will be read in.
process :: Int -> Int -> [S.ByteString] -> Int
process k i [] = i
process k !i (s:t:ts) | S.last s /= '\n' = process k (add k i s') ts'
(s',r) = S.breakEnd (=='\n') s
(r',rs) = S.break (=='\n') t
ts' = S.concat [r,r',S.singleton '\n'] : unsafeTail rs : ts
process k i (s: ss) = process k (add k i s) ss
-- process a single cache-sized chunk of numbers, \n aligned
add :: Int -> Int -> S.ByteString -> Int
add k i s = if S.null s then i else test k i (parse x) xs
where (x,xs) = uncons s
{-# INLINE add #-}
-- process a single line, until \n
test :: Int -> Int -> Int -> ByteString -> Int
test k i !n t
| y == '\n' = -- done reading the line, process it:
if n `divisibleBy` k then add k (i+1) ys
else add k i ys
| otherwise = test k i n' ys
where (y,ys) = uncons t
n' = parse y + 10 * n
parse c = ord c - ord '0'
-- fastest way to take the head of a strict bytestring
uncons s = (w2c (unsafeHead s), unsafeTail s)
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