[Haskell-cafe] Idiomatically using lists

Dan Weston westondan at imageworks.com
Tue Jun 5 15:18:12 EDT 2007

Here is my list-based version. There are redundant calls to get the 
length of the same list, but I didn't feel like factoring them out (call 
it an exercise for the reader). The key to its simplicity is that 
shifting an element is a similarity transform of shifting the first 
element, with pre- and post list rotation. The shift just maps 
(h:xs++ys) to xs++(h:ys). Rotating a list is easy with the drop . cycle 
pattern, and shares the list up to the point of rotation (when brought 
in from cycle 2 to end the list).


module RotateList where

import Control.Arrow((&&&))

rotateList :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
rotateList offset = uncurry take
                   . (length &&& uncurry drop .
                                 (mod offset  . length &&& cycle))

shiftElem :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
shiftElem  _      []    = []
shiftElem  offset (h:t) = a ++ (h:b)
             where (a,b) = splitAt ((offset-1) `mod` (length t) + 1) t

-- rotateElem is a similarity transform of shiftElem
rotateElem :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
rotateElem start offset = rotateList (negate start)
                         . shiftElem  offset
                         . rotateList start

kevin birch wrote:
> On 火, 2007-6月-05, at 02:54, Greg Fitzgerald wrote:
>> > rotating the fourth element 2 positions would result in: [1, 2, 4, 3, 5]
>> Seems odd.  Should that be [4,1,2,3,5]?
> Yes, I meant to use the 5 element in my second example.  Sorry for the 
> confusion.
>> > Is there an idomatic way to handle both of these cases in a function?
>> Generally people like to see your attempt at a solution before giving 
>> the idomatic one so that they are sure it's not a homework question.  
>> What do you have so far?
> Yeah, I only wish I had gone to a school that would be forward thinking 
> enough to each FP.  ;-)
> Here is my version:
> rotate :: Array Integer Card -> Integer -> Integer -> Array Integer Card
> rotate a i n
>     | i <= u - n = a // [(i, a ! (i + 1)), (i + 1, a ! (i + 2)), (i + 2, 
> a ! i)]
>     | otherwise = a // zip [l..u] (h ++ [a ! i] ++ filter (not . (== (a 
> ! i))) t)
>     where (l, u) = bounds a
>           (h, t) = splitAt (fromInteger ((i - u) + n)) $ elems a
> This function is part of my implementation of the Solitaire encryption 
> algorithm, so that is why I have the reference to a Card data type.  
> This does what I want, and seems basically idiomatic, but perhaps it 
> could be better.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
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