[Haskell-cafe] Re: OK, so this VIM thing -- how do I make it actually work?

David Duke djd at comp.leeds.ac.uk
Tue Jun 5 09:43:52 EDT 2007


Michael T. Richter wrote:
> So, I guess I'm back to my original question: where can I find a decent 
> editor that can do syntax highlighting out of the box for literate 
> Haskell?  (Or, alternatively, where can I find a syntax-highlighting 
> editor I can expand the syntax handling of on my own?)  VIM is broken 
> out of the box and if I'm going to mess around with syntax highlighting 
> files, I'd at least like to do it in an editor I'm likely to be 
> comfortable in.

I can't recall whether you were asking about linux or running on Windows
under cygwin.  On linux (fedora-5 + gnome) I've settled on using the
"kate" editor within a gnome/fedora-5 setup.  It provides syntax 
highlighting that seems to work fine with .hs and .lhs files.  If I 
remember, this worked "out of the box" (installed via yum).  There is a
link to its home page (http://kate-editor.org/kate) from the Haskell

Just a suggestion ... as with all editors, it probably has some features
you like, some you loathe ..!


Dr. David Duke                       Email: djd at comp.leeds.ac.uk
School of Computing                  Web:   www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/djd/
University of Leeds                  Tel:   +44 113 343 6800
Leeds, LS2 9JT, U.K.                 Fax:   +44 113 343 5468

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