[Haskell-cafe] Re: I just don't get it (data structures and OO)

Claus Reinke claus.reinke at talk21.com
Mon Jun 4 18:40:15 EDT 2007

|> > data Ref cx t
|> >  = Ref
|> >    {
|> >      select :: cx -> t
|> >    , update :: (t -> t) -> cx -> cx
|> >    }
|> A Ref is a bit like a typed and composable incarnation of apfelmus's
|> indices, or a wrapper around Tillmann's change* functions, containing
|> not only a setter but also the accompanying getter.
|That's a neat idiom. I wonder how far one could usefully generalize it.

you might find Koji Kagawa's papers interesting:


in particular

Mutable Data Structures and Composable References 
in a Pure Functional Language , Koji Kagawa, In SIPL '95: 
State in Programming Languages, San Francisco, USA, January 1995.

Compositional References for Stateful Functional Programming, 
Koji Kagawa, ICFP 1997, June 1997, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 


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