[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] View patterns in GHC: Request for feedback
Jonathan Cast
jcast at ou.edu
Wed Jul 25 12:17:36 EDT 2007
On Wednesday 25 July 2007, Jon Fairbairn wrote:
> Simon Marlow <simonmarhaskell at gmail.com> writes:
> > Dan Licata wrote:
> > > Simon PJ and I are implementing view patterns, a way of
> > > pattern matching against abstract datatypes, in GHC.
> >
> > At the risk of being a spoil-sport, I have a somewhat
> > negative take on view patterns. Not because I think they're
> > particularly bad, but because I don't think they're
> > significantly useful enough to warrant adding to the
> > language, at least if we also have pattern guards.
> I wholeheartedly agree.
> I'd rather see a slightly different question addressed: how
> to permit the definition of overloaded functions using
> pattern matching (and I mean pattern matching with exactly
> the same syntax as anywhere else). In other words, if I write
> > f [] = e
> > f (a:b) g a b
> I currently only get f :: [t] -> something, so if I later
> discover that I need to change the input representation to
> be more efficient than lists, I have to rewrite f. Wouldn't
> it be so much nicer if I could simply add a declaration
> > f:: Stream s => s t -> something
> and get a function that works on anything in the Stream
> class?
> The core of the idea would be to allow classes to include
> constructors (and associated destructors) so the definition
> of Stream would include something for ":" and "[]" and their
> inverses, though I've no real idea of the details; can
> anyone come up with a plan?
> * * *
> It's essential to this idea that it doesn't involve any new
> pattern matching syntax; the meaning of pattern matching for
> overloaded functions should be just as transparent as for
> non-overloaded ones.
I don't have a formal specification, but I think this does that:
-- | Minimal complete definition: either 'empty', 'unit', and 'append' or '[]'
-- and '(:)' + pattern matching
algebraic class Stream s where
empty :: s t
unit :: t -> s t
append :: s t -> s t -> s t
[] :: s t
(:) :: t -> s t -> s t
empty = []
unit x = x : []
append (x:xn) ys = x : (xn `append` ys)
[] = empty
x : xn = unit x `append` xn
De-sugars into:
data StreamView s t
= []
| (:) t (s t)
data Stream s = Stream{
empty :: forall t. s t,
unit :: forall t. t -> s t,
append :: forall t. t -> s t,
nil :: forall t. s t,
cons :: forall t. t -> s t,
viewStream :: forall t. s t -> StreamView s t}
defaultEmpty s = nil s
defaultUnit s x = cons s x (nil s)
defaultAppend s xn ys = case viewStream s xn of
[] -> ys
x : xn' -> cons s x (defaultAppend s xn' ys)
defaultNil s = empty s
defaultCons s x xn = append s (unit s x) xn
Case evaluation proceeds by case analysis of viewStream.
data List t
= Nil
| Cons t (List t)
instance Stream List where
[] = Nil
(:) = Cons
Nil = []
Cons = (:)
De-sugars into:
streamList = Stream{
empty = defaultEmpty streamList,
unit = defaultUnit streamList,
append = defaultAppend streamList,
nil = Nil,
cons = Cons,
viewStream = \ xn -> case xn of
Nil -> []
Cons x xn -> x : xn}
data Tsil t
= Lin
| Snoc (Tsil t) t
instance Stream Tsil where
empty = Lin
unit x = Snoc Lin x
xn `append` Lin = xn
xn `append` Snoc ys y = (xn `append` ys) `Snoc` y
Lin = []
Snoc xn x = flip fix (x, Lin, xn) $ \ loop (x, ys, xn) -> case xn of
Lin -> x : ys
Snoc xn' x' -> loop (x', x : ys, xn')
De-sugars into
streamTsil = Stream{
empty = Lin,
unit = Snoc Lin,
append = \ xn ys -> case ys of
Lin -> xn
Snoc ys' y -> (append streamTsil xn ys') `Snoc` y,
nil = defaultNil streamTsil,
cons = defaultCons streamTsil,
viewStream = \ xn -> case xn of
Lin -> []
Snoc xn' x -> flip fix (x, Lin, xn) $ \ loop (x, ys, xn) -> case xn of
Lin -> x : ys
Snoc xn' x' -> loop (x', cons streamTsil x ys, xn')}
The best part is that you can have multiple data types to a view and multiple
views of a data type, and the fact that pattern-matching proceeds one level
at a time; the worst part is the rather syntactic way e.g. (:) as a
view-constructor is distinguished from (:) as a class method. They can't be
distinguished type-wise (e.g., by a dictionary passing mechanism) because
their types aren't unifiable; I think you'd have to define a tail context
within viewStream and replace (:) with the constructor there only. Or change
the view type to
data StreamView t
= []
| t : StreamView t
Jonathan Cast
Jonathan Cast
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