[Haskell-cafe] "Identifier" generators with QuickCheck

Jonathan Cast jcast at ou.edu
Tue Jul 24 09:55:33 EDT 2007

On Tuesday 24 July 2007, J. Pablo Fernández wrote:
> Hello Haskellers,
> I want to make a QuickCheck generator that creates identifiers, basically
> [a-zA-Z] as the first character and then [a-zA-Z0-9-_] for a total of 63
> characters. So, I've got up to:
> do s <- choose (1, 63 :: Int)
>         elements validFirstChars
> where validFirstChars = ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z']
>       validChars = validFirstChars ++ "_-" ++ ['0'..'9']
> which of course only gives me one random character. I want both, the
> characters, and the length to be random.

   n <- choose (1, 63)
   replicateM $ elements validFirstChars

Jonathan Cast

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