[Haskell-cafe] Type hacking help
Chris Smith
cdsmith at twu.net
Thu Jul 19 17:45:36 EDT 2007
I've just written my first real piece of type system hacking in Haskell.
I think it turned out okay, but if any of you more experienced folk have
suggestions, I'd appreciate them.
Code follows. More explanation is at
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
data Var a = Var String
data RHS a b = RHS a b
(&) = RHS -- a convenient operator
infixr 5 &
(Action a b c) means the following:
A production with a right hand side of type: a
may be associated with a semantic rule of type: b
to produce a rule with semantic result type: c
class Action a b c | a b -> c, a c -> b
instance Action (Var x) (x -> y) y
instance Action Char y y
instance Action () y y
instance (Action a b c) => Action (RHS (Var x) a) (x -> b) c
instance (Action a b c) => Action (RHS Char a) b c
The RuleSet monad is used to define rules of a grammar in a
convenient 'do' notation.
data Rule = forall a b c. (Action a b c) => Rule (Var c, a, b)
data RuleSet x = RuleSet ([Rule], x)
instance Monad RuleSet where
a >>= k = let RuleSet (r1, v1) = a
RuleSet (r2, v2) = k v1
in RuleSet (r1 ++ r2, v2)
return x = RuleSet ([], x)
(==>) :: (Action a b c) => Var c -> a -> b -> RuleSet ()
(==>) lhs rhs sem = RuleSet ([Rule (lhs, rhs, sem)], ())
infixr 4 ==>
Grammar. A grammar is a set of rules together with a
start symbol.
data Grammar a = Grammar (Var a) [Rule]
grammar s (RuleSet (rs, x)) = Grammar s rs
Sample grammar.
The parentheses in the let bindings are required: they force the
rules to be monomorphic, which is needed for type checking to work
g = let ( expr ) = Var "expression"
( term ) = Var "term"
( termmore ) = Var "term operator"
( fact ) = Var "factor"
( factmore ) = Var "factor operator"
( digit ) = Var "digit"
( digits ) = Var "digits"
in grammar expr $ do
expr ==> term & termmore $ \x y -> y x
termmore ==> () $ \x -> x
termmore ==> '+' & term & termmore $ \x y z -> y (x + z)
termmore ==> '-' & term & termmore $ \x y z -> y (x - z)
term ==> fact & factmore $ \x y -> y x
factmore ==> () $ \x -> x
factmore ==> '*' & fact & factmore $ \x y z -> y (x * z)
factmore ==> '/' & fact & factmore $ \x y z -> y (x / z)
fact ==> '(' & expr & ')' $ \x -> x
fact ==> digit & digits $ \x y -> y x
digits ==> () $ \x -> x
digits ==> digit & digits $ \x y z -> y (10*x + z)
digit ==> '0' $ 0
digit ==> '1' $ 1
digit ==> '2' $ 2
digit ==> '3' $ 3
digit ==> '4' $ 4
digit ==> '5' $ 5
digit ==> '6' $ 6
digit ==> '7' $ 7
digit ==> '8' $ 8
digit ==> '9' $ 9
Chris Smith
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