[Haskell-cafe] Re: Practise fingerspelling with Haskell! (Code cleanup request)

apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Thu Jul 19 07:44:23 EDT 2007

Mirko Rahn wrote:
> wanted ws = [ (w,v) | (w:vs) <- tails ws, v <- vs, difference w v < 2 ]
> Moreover, we only calculate the difference to check whether it is
> smaller than 2. We can do this directly (capturing the common pattern):
> diff_lt_2 = diff (diff (const . const $ False))
> diff _ []     []     = True
> diff f (x:xs) (y:ys) = if x == y then diff f xs ys else f xs ys
> diff _ _ _           = error "length xs /= length ys!?"
> We now have
> wanted ws = [ (w,v) | (w:vs) <- tails ws, v <- vs, diff_lt_2 w v ]
> This modification boosts performance a lot, for example fingerspell 15
> 100 runs in 5.5 instead of 53 secs on my machine.

Note that using Peano-numbers can achieve the same effect of stopping
the length calculation as soon as more than one character is different.

  data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat deriving (Eq, Ord)

  instance Num Nat where
    (Succ x) + y  = Succ (x+y)
     Zero    + y  = y

    fromInteger 0 = Zero
    fromInteger n = Succ $ fromInteger (n-1)

  difference :: Pair -> Nat
  difference = Data.List.genericLength
     . filter not . uncurry (zipWith (==))

  wanted ws = [ (w,v) | (w:vs) <- tails ws, v <- vs,
                        difference w v <= 1 ]


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